Friday, September 05, 2008

In Denial of Fall

The windows are shut at night. I had to wear a jacket yesterday. Today's forecast brought wearing jeans. Evelyn has donned socks for the past few days (which completely drives her batty!) Fall is here!

I always was excited for fall. Up until just a few years ago, I was always starting school in the fall - I went straight from high school to college, then to grad school. I had the excitement of buying new school supplies, getting books, and taking great classes. The last two years I was at least working at a university and so I was surrounded by that certain energy that comes with the beginning of the school year.

This year has been completely void of that feeling and thus my denial that it is fall already! But, the cooler temperatures and earlier sunsets are reminding me of what is looming around the corner. Winter. Yuck.

By the end of summer the past winter is so far back in the remnants of your mind that you forget about the cold temperatures, shoveling, scraping of car windows, and isolation that winter brings. It is so much easier to jump in the van and go during the summer - no jackets, hats, boots, and warming up of the van to bother with.

So, I am determined to get out and enjoy the freedom that good weather brings while this lasts!

I miss not being around school, but I do still love the crisp fall air and the turning of the leaves that fall brings.

Happy Fall everyone!


Alix said...

I know, I actually had to wear socks the other day. And I had to run out and buy socks for Sebastian, who hadn't worn socks in three months. He kept staring at his feet and touching the socks.

Shannon said...

My favorite, favorite time of year! Try not to think about the winter and just enjoy it :)

Also, no one's saying you can't buy a new notebook, even if you're not in school. Go ahead--splurge! Buy a pen! Weee!

Anne said...

Ditto! Fall is the BEST!!! Love the smell in the air, hooded sweatshirts, the colors and Yummy Chili

Trisha said...

I, too, have been rejoicing about the crisp air, the turning leaves and jeans. How I love to wear jeans, oh and sweatshirts, too. Hannah has loved putting on her socks and shoes, she is turning into a true girl with her love of shoes. Just think, cute photo ops during fall. Evelyn in leaves, Evelyn in pumpkins. Fall, here I come!

Carbon said...

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I too reminisce of school days when it approaches. It's like the air smells different. I love it.