MomJ gave us these cute towels when we came to visit in February! Kudos to her for a perfect match on the bathroom colors! They look great!
CraigsList is our friend! If you haven't been on this site - check it out! It is basically an internet garage sale! There is one for just about every major city. So far we have purchased over the last year: our dryer, baby stuff, maternity clothes, and a buffet for the kitchen. We are in the process of selling two gallons of paint that we didn't end up using. It is great - try it!
I saw this swing - battery operated - for $5 right in our home town! I bought it, a stroller, a carseat snuggly thing for winter, and some maternity clothes from the gal. And, it turns out she is one of my friends from church's sister! Small world, great deals!
I am going to look at more maternity clothes on Sunday from someone else on there, too!
Oh, the cute little baby in the swing is thanks to MomB - she sent us that to "plant" in the baby's room so we'd have a girl! We'll know in 5 weeks if it worked!
What else... I have been very busy at work and so that is why there has been a lack in posts. But, things slowed down a bit today. I am feeling quite a bit better, too. I am rarely nauseaous (YES!), but I am still pretty tired. Driving home from work in the light has been nice. I wore maternity clothes the last three days, too. I might be courageous enough to post a pic soon... I feel like I just look fat and not pregnant, but the maternity clothes somehow make me feel better and that I actually look like it is a baby and not just blubber!
I think Iborrowed this title from fellow blogger,
Carbon. But it is true, these were some very random things!
Lastly, Jason, my wonderful and fabulous, oh-so-hardworking husband, is done with our ENTIRE floor!!! I could not believe how quickly he got it done. He worked every night and crazily during the past few weekends. It looks GREAT!!! We will have to post some pictures soon! We purchased a poster to go in a frame we have for the living room. We got a great deal on a rug for in there, too. Thank you Kohl's for the 30% off coupon! I said to Jason, "we can get the run when God gives me my next 30% off Kohl's coupon." Since I have only gotten one ONCE in my life, it was a great suprise when it came like the next day in the mail! I peeled of the little sticker to reveal "30% off!" I was in shock! Sure enough, it was on a great sale already, and then with the 30% off it was a steal! Yessss!!! I love deals! So, once we get things on the walls, we will post. The kitchen is ready, so maybe that pic will be next week!
Have a great weekend, all!