Monday, February 11, 2008

Lost and nowhere to be found

We ventured out to Walmart today eventhough it was -20something degrees out. It is supposed to snow a bunch in the next couple of days. I picked cold over snow.

I bundled us up. I am a freak and get out the gloves around 50 degrees and scarves and hats around 40. I wore my new hat from my Dad and Jeanne. I took it off and after a WAYYYY too long shopping trip, was driving home when I realized my head was rather cold.

I called Walmart twice, no one turned it in. I am sad. I really liked and looked cute in that hat. And, it has a now very lonely matching scarf in the closet.

I lost my hat at Walmart in college (the Walmart in what is going to be our new hometown). Someone turned it in. I still own that hat. I am glad that we are moving to a town where people return lost hats at Walmart instead of steal or ignore them.

I should go to bed. I am a nightowl by breed. But, since Jason and I go to bed together every night, he keeps me on a normal person's schedule. Last time he was gone, I was up every night until about 1 a.m. It is 11:16 p.m. I think I need a snack - the tummy rumbles. And, I need to do my "production" as Jason calls it still - vitamin taking, bathroom going, contact removing, and teeth brushing. Eye-makeup removing has gone by the wayside since Evelyn was born. I had to cut something out.



sarah cool said...

i am laughing at this sentence:

"I am glad that we are moving to a town where people return lost hats at Walmart instead of steal or ignore them."

Hehe! you are so cute!

Anne said...

Oh Amber - I am so sorry you are feeling so sick. I had that last week and spent a couple of nights on the bathroom floor. I hope you are all feeling like yoursleves again soon.

Anonymous said...

Amber, I'm happy to hear you're feeling a little better. That sounded terrible. And to have to care for a baby in that state! Wow!
Miss you!